PLC Graduates - Student Comments
What did you think of the PLC course?
"I enjoyed the course last year ... I found it very interesting"
"I wouldn't have done it without the teachers' help and I would be lost if I went to other college without interpreters for PLC course"
"The atmosphere was good in PLC"
"All the students got on very well, there were only four of us in the class and we got on great together like a great team"
"The teachers were very helpful at all times and treated me as an adult."
"Was the PLC course helpful to you in your current studies/job?
"PLC gave us good opportunities to go to whatever colleges we wanted to"
"PLC was very helpful to give me a choice of jobs that I wanted"
"Now I'm working in KDRC for nearly 3 years"
"I'm studying to become ISL tutor and Deaf Awareness Trainer"
"It was very helpful. I am currently studying FETAC Level 3 Advanced Diploma in Business Practice in Carlow"
Other comments?
Here are some we received from parents of our graduates ...
"I cannot give enough praise and thanks for what my daughter has gained and has achieved from doing the PLC course. The course gave her a good foundation to go on to 3rd level education. It helped her to move from boarding school living to independent living.
I would strongly recommend this PLC to all students"
"This was a most valuable course and, with the help of the trained teachers of the deaf in St. Mary's, it offers a huge stepping-stone onto the next milestone"
"My daughter got 7 Distinctions and 2 Merits, she was over the moon, she received her offer of her first choice of college place"
"During the nine months she had become so independent and assertive. The course taught her to "stand on her own two feet" and to use her head."