
Visit to Botanic Gardens (January-2012)

Helen, Nicola, Amylee, Laura and myself went to Botanic Gardens. Andy drove the bus to the gardens. We went to the gardens on the 24th October, 2011. The weather was horrible, because it was raining all day.

We got a clip board, map and treasure hunt game to answer

questions. We had to follow the numbers on the map to find the answers about trees.

We found a HUGE NEST with bird's eggs.

We found loads of different trees

We found an oak tree. We found an ash tree. We found a horse chestnut tree.

We found a sycamore tree, and a banana tree.

We found a coconut tree.

We found a tree that has seeds that made face paint and lipstick. We found a coffee tree.

We found a pineapple tree.

We saw a plant that eats flies called a venus fly trap.

This plant has water in the flower and the ant drowns in the water and dies. v We found a lot of cacti. They had sharp spikes so that animals could not eat them. The sharp spikes protected the cactus.

We had a great day working as a team finding all the different trees and answers for the treasure hunt. We all had a fantastic lunch after all our hard work. Our tongues went green from the lovely lollipops.