
School Tour 2009 (November-2009)

Munich, Dachau and Salzburg

Some accounts, from the girls, of the trip.

Munich's Olympiapark was built for the 20th Olympic Games, which the city hosted in 1972. The modern complex of sports facilities overlies an area formerly used as drill gounds and later as an airfield. The Nymphenburg Canal feeds the artificial lake and the rubble removed from the city after World War 2 was used in establishing the hills.

  • The main Olympic stadium holds a crowd of 60,000.
  • Günter Behnisch designed the Olympic hall. The hall was set up using steel netting and acrylic slabs supporting masts up to 260 feet high.
  • The swimming hall was located beside the sports hall. It contains five pools, saunas, a Jacuzzi and a diving platform, as well as a relaxation area.
  • The Olympic tower provides a fine view of the Olympic hill and the football stadium where the Munich soccer team play.
  • The Olympia Park also contains a skating rink and ice hockey stadium, which is open to the public (sadly we did not go there).

A Trip to Bavarian Film Studio
After a depressing but moving trip to Dachau Concentration Camp, we went to the Bavarian Film Studio. We were brought in a 'mini-train' through the studio.

We met our tour guide and she brought us to a studio where we took part in a very short 'home-made' film. Lisa, Joanne and Ciara were the lucky girls picked from a lottery. There were three movie sets, and the guide instructed them what to do. The words were printed in large letters on a board. On one set they had to hop like rabbits around the stage, while being filmed. Everybody was laughing at their antics.

We were guided through a dark, creepy tunnel to a gloomy, 'vampy' football pitch. It was the set from a German vampire film. We were shown the special effects, we heard the eerie sound effects and saw the multicoloured light effects just like that were used in the movie. We visited a set from another German movie 'Asterix'. Afterwards we were brought to an actual mock-up of a submarine from the film 'Das Boot', a famous, award-winning film. We saw the special effects used in 'The Neverending Story'.

One of our highlights of the trip was the 4D film experience. We entered a room and right in front of the screen, was what looked like a 'mini rollercoaster'. We were told we would see a 4D short film. Special glasses were distributed to everybody. As the film started, the chairs started moving and things (like snowballs) appeared to come out of the screen.

Afterwards, we got the chance to watch the DVD which was filmed earlier on. The scenes of the students were interspersed with a professionally produced scene of a science fiction movie. The results were hilarious.

This was a brilliant visit.

On the Thursday of our trip we had a choice of going shopping, visiting a football stadium or going to the art gallery. I chose the art gallery because I am interested in art and had spent a lot of cash in Penneys before leaving.

There were two galleries. The Altepinakothek houses many famous old masters and the Pinakothek der moderne houses the modern art collection. To be honest I preferred the modern museum because I am 'crazy' about modern art and especially love Picasso.

This museum had it all for me! Rooms glowing with neon lights, crazy art using clothes and car parts, crazy shapes from Picasso's work. I LOVED IT. I would definitely recommend it and I would go back there if I am ever lucky enough to be in Munich again. The building itself is modern too and that put a 'smile on my face'. But I'm not sure what the woman in the Picasso painting thinks of it.
Avril Madden

Dachau Concentration Camp
The tour guide brought us to the entrance of the camp. The words on the gate read, 'Arbeit Macht Frei'. The guide said that it meant 'Work will set you free'. These words are a mockery. This is a lie to all the prisoners who entered the camp; they were never set free by the Nazis even though they worked really hard.

She brought us to the building where the political prisoners were held in cells. The buildings were cold and miserable, I could imagine the prisoners being kept in terrible conditions and being tortured and heavily punished for expressing their opinions against the Nazis.

The political prisoners were put in cells alone. They were terrified when they heard footsteps, as they didn't want the Nazis to come in their cell. It could mean they were going to be tortured and or executed.

The ordinary prisoners were kept together in buildings. There were hundreds kept in one building, it was very cramped and overcrowded. Later, they were allowed their own lockers. But the Nazis used the lockers as an excuse to punish people. The people had to put their belongings in specific places. If a cup fell, or a toothbrush was in the wrong place, the person could be punished. If they were caught making any simple mistake, they were taken out, their hands were tied behind their back and they were suspended by their tied hands for hours. The officers would beat the prisoner, until the prisoner was very weak. Few prisoners could work after their arms were damaged so they were often killed. The Nazis were cruel and sadistic.

It was horrifying to hear the stories.
Nora Duggan 5A

Neuschwanstein (The Sleeping Beauty Castle)

Schloss Neuschwanstein is one of Ludwig 11's most renowned castles. It was built between 1868 and 1886.

The theater designer, Christian Jank, built the monumental castle. It has a spectacular location on an outcrop of rock, towering over a gorge. There is a breath taking view from the castle.

Salzburg - Austria
Salzburg is a very beautiful old city. The river is very big and is pretty. There are lots of small bridges and one enormous bridge. There are many narrow streets with crowds of people strolling along looking at the beautiful shops. The main street is very long and winding.

There are many beautiful historic buildings in the street like Mozart's house. A few of the shops are the same as Ireland's shops. There are many gifts shops full of attractive things to tempt tourists. I went to one of the famous shops that sell decorated eggs. I couldn't believe what I saw. I was really amazed at the decorated eggs.

The eggs are decorated for Halloween, Christmas, Easter and other special occasions. They were so beautiful. There were thousands of eggs in the shop.
Joanne .

Mozart's House Salzburg
Mozart was a famous musician and composer. His house is in the main street of Salzburg. We saw letters, which Mozart wrote to his family, which showed he was very loving. It is clear that he also had a good sense of humour. Mozart practised and composed many pieces of his music on a piano that is still on view in this house. One of his pieces included "The Magic Flute."